Wednesday, November 29

London London

My first hear of London is through the Children's song "London bridge is falling down, falling down...." Now I am in London for the third time. The first is when I first arrived in the UK, in Gatwick but I haven't had the chance to see what is outside of the airport station. Second, when we went to apply for my Spanish visit visa in September.

I was very excited to see the city even just for a while, unfortunately it was raining and we couldn't get around. Atleast I know where Victoria Station and Buckingham palace is. I wasn't much interested with the Palace, there is too much Royalness of fees to get inside, still many people go there. We didn't have much time so we went straight back to Brighton.

It was still raining during my third time tavel in London but pretty much better as we went around a park, a beautiful Kengsington garden. It is beautiful, it is indeed a rich country. Prince Albert's gold statue is being raised by the towering angels. Opposite the statue is the Prince Albert hall, possiblly a theater as there is a crowd waiting outside the dome.

Time is not always enough to explore the city, it is massive, shown by the buildings and many people around. We have to go back to Victoria station for a train to Brighton. Towards the station I always love to stand in this place, in the center of the crossing streets.

I don't know if this is what first world country means. Clean busy streets, tall buildings, organized traffic and transport.

It is a busy city, noisy but not as noisy like the jeepneys in Philippines. I also like the push botton signals to cross the road. it is more orderly. There is no standing traffic policeman unlike in philippines, yet it is even more disciplined. In Manila you rush to cross to the other side, running in a pedestrian lane. Here you enjoy the walk without the pressure that the cars will bump onto you. A walk with confidence.

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