Showing posts with label New journeys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New journeys. Show all posts

Monday, September 19

Eagles Wings

Hillsong-Eagles Wings

Intro: G

Am D G C
Here I am waiting, Abide in me I pray
Am D G
Here I am longing for you
Am D G C
Hide me in your love, bring me to my knees
Am D G C...D...
May I know Jesus more and more

G C Am
Come live in me, all my life
Take over
G C Am
Come breathe in me and I will rise
On Eagles Wings

Verse 1 and chorus.

Come live in me all my life, take over
Come breathe in me, I will rise on eagle's wings
I will rise on eagle's wings, I will rise on eagle's wings
I will rise on eagle's wings, I will rise on eagle's wings

I will rise on eagle's wings, I will rise on eagle's wings
On eagle's wings

Sunday, September 11

Live life

I went to work last night, I just sat down. The client opposite me asked me, "do you live life?" I was stuttering... mmm.. " yes, I do, I am." And then I thought... how easily he communicated this but actually, it was extremely a difficult question to answer. Do you? Live is existing, asking, pondering, feeling, acting.... and probably every single verb out there. Live is either nothing of everything, something, or everything of everything, thus is not simple but complicated. Life is a gift, to me a gift from God. He gave it for a purpose. May it be painful, suffering, fear, happy, fulfilled or satisfied. But life always seek or deny meanings, perhaps an unending question of purpose, of single event or a cumulative of the past and thoughts of the future. What is life's goal. Right now, I feel secured to live this life, discover it's purpose, living with hope and trust in the Lord, that life maybe that troubled or success, this is only temporary. This is only earthly living but with a room to grow in spirit . When the time comes, the real life begins. It is eternal, it is free and offered to every living out there who wants to believe. But this is either a prize or a price. I, myself, pray and hope for this safe and heavenly home He has promised.

I share with people's lost during the 9/11. Peace

Wednesday, September 7

Living water

Jesus said to her (samaritan woman), "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." 15The woman said to him, "Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water." (John 4: 13-15)

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:23-24)

God is so gracious. What a privilege to be invited by God, he offers this to everyone regardless of everything, to believe in Him. This is a must, a requirement to believe and worship that He is the living God, the bread of life, the water of life, the light of darkness. Before is He, Now is He, Forever is He. Knowing this, that I am save, now and eternally.

Tuesday, August 30

As a Living Sacrifice

ROMANS 12:1-2

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, [a]acceptable to God, which is your [b]spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this [c]world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may [d]prove what the will of God is, that which is good and [e]acceptable and perfect.

This requires us to sacrifice ourselves to God, this does not necessarily mean physical dying for Him. It asks us to a:

-Full surrender (being: body, soul, spirit.
-Holy, acceptable to God as a living sacrifice
-Living as act of worship
-Living as instrument of righteousness, mercy, meekness, peace
-Not being conformed to this world
-Be transformed by the renewal of the mind
-Complete commitment to Christ
-Yielding with Christ, in His Spirit
-Dying to desires and selfishness
-The Lord is willing and able to do more than impossible

What Pastor John Piper say on this: Present Your Bodies As a Living Sacrifice to God

Tuesday, August 23

God's gift

I say, amongst failures and hardship, the Lord never fails, his love endures forever. I say thank you Lord, for the gift of child is from God, and we ourselves are all children from above. May we love Him as the children loves his parents, may we love Him as we love our children, may we serve Him as we serve our child. May we be childlike, seeking spiritual milk.

“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

Mark 10:13-16

Tuesday, August 9

Broken heart

Few years ago a man of God said to me let it go,

It wasn’t easy and I perhaps I could not.

They are still holes, maybe waiting to be mended.

But more brokenness keep on coming,

They are holes, punctures in the heart.

I asked God, why are they there?

He said, they are for you to see me.

He knows how deep they are.

I say thanks to God, my only true friend,

I stand and can only trust for.

I will endure with broken heart,

For I know in pain I will see and seek His face

That I may obey and be blessed instead...

And be sealed with hope and be lifted by His loving arms.

Sunday, June 19

Father's day 2011

Dear father, 

Today everyone is thinking of their own fathers. I have offered my heart to the greatest of all fathers, our Father in heaven.

.... But I thought and I prayed for you, my own physical father, who, throughout your life loves us as your parents have loved you. You worked so hard to sustain us because you wanted to improve the difficulties you had in your time. You raise us materially because you did not want us to go hungry. But emotionally and spiritually I am still an immature child. I am meeting my own spiritual Father whose love is amazingly great. I do not see Him but I can feel Him. Dad, you too, like many people are, is a lost child like me. Nevertheless, I am still thankful that God gave you as my dad, for God has a purpose of choosing you to be.

At this time, may God the Father embrace and comfort you with hope and love. For I know that life was very tough and very unfair for you, that not only you had physical illness but all the frustrations, failures, inadequacies...the emotional and psychological pain that life has brought on you. People turn your kindness to evil and they will keep on to hurt, mock, stigmatize, reject, and persecute you... but God will never disown you. True judgement comes from God and not from the law of selfish men. You are not the perfect father and I am not the perfect child too. This is because we are just human filled with inadequacies. These imperfections only mean that there is someone out there, up above, who is far much greater than everything on earth- the Yahweh in heaven, the Father of all.

In my journey to know more the Heavenly Father, I will always be thinking and praying for you.

Tuesday, May 31


Take My Life A Living Sacrifice

Title: Take my life a Living Sacrifice

Artist: Dwight Liles
Chords By: Valera, Charlie Edsel

Intro: Em-E7-Asus4-A7

Take my life a living sacrifice
knowing its the least that i can do
D A D A7
make my life a living sacrifice
G A D A7
holy & acceptable to you

D F#m G D
I look upon my life and realize @ last
Em A F#sus F#
with in myself theres nothing I Can do
Bm G A D
And yet here i stand to offer all I am
Em E7 A7sus4-A7
To give myself completely, Lord to you


Verse: Do CP
I cannot be content until i reach that place

little life to give enough to give
Lord break down my will, make my desire your own
I long to give my everything to you (Ref)
