Friday, April 29

Eastern Mountain Province

Natonin Mountain Province, Philippines. (Not Banaue of Ifugao)

In the summer of 2005 during an invitation of my cousin’s wedding that I had the chance to go to the municipality of Natonin for the third time. Riding with my dad’s motorcycle gave me the opportunity to have a view of the very beautiful ricefields of the Balangao People. Following the road towards the main village is filled with many greenfields that goes farther down. It is exhilarating as we approach the villages and houses. Very green with beautiful patterns, there are ricefields everywhere from the road. An absolute beauty! Banaue rice terraces sound very popular but this one is even more beautiful. Probably tourism has not discovered yet. This ricefields are not stone walls unlike in Barlig though. They maintain their rice granaries in the middle of the ricefields spreading down to the end of the valley. A lovely place inhabited by people smiling with red teeth. It might be far from easy life that the city can offer but here it is rich with satisfying natural beauty, filled with twice shining harvest in a year.

1 comment:

Chi said...

Soothing carpet of green, Ayeona.

It is nice that you have recorded the slices of your beautiful life in the mountains.